by Paul
Gerrish. This is a monthly web comic about the adventures of Momo
and his friends, duh. So enjoy this month’s installment of

Hey Momo Fans! Sorry about not posting
anything during January and December. Life gets busy and time
gets lost. But to make up for the 2 months that I didn't post, I
am posting 6 fully colored pages. Also along with that is a 2
panel for Valentine's Day. Also, we have one picture a fan sent
us! Remember if you want your fan stuff to be shown you must send
it to!

Hey Momo Fans, another installment of the ongoing
plot! Also, I am putting a 3 panel comic I made for the Pizza
Works newsletter. Enjoy it.
Remember to send your fan stuff!

Hey all you Momo Fans, got a real treat for you
this month! Not only do we have the continuing adventures of The
Pizza Box Derby, but we also have a Special Halloween Comic! Also
there are three new coloring pages!
Remember to send your fan stuff!

Another month and another installment of Momo and
friends! We're beginning a new plot this month, Momo and Friends:
The Pizza Box Derby. Remember all you Momo Fans out there,
send your fan stuff!

Sorry about July, things got busy and that allowed
for no updates. So, sorry about that everyone, but to make up for
that we’re posting not 2, not 3, but
4 PAGES this month! It’s
the ending of
Momo and Friends:
Where's My Pizza? Enjoy! Also, if you have any fan
things, like poetry, pictures you drawn, or anything like that
please send it!


There are many new updates for June, including a new page
devoted to the artist! New colors and
logo! Hey, for a bonus there’s even a new installment of
Momo and Friends: Where’s My
Pizza? Also now you can write comments, fan stuff,
and contact the artist via EMAIL!
Click here!

There are new updates for the month of May. This includes the new
installments of the current storyline in
Momo and Friends, also now we have
up and a page for all the
That’s all
and check for more updates.
February 2006:
November 2005:
October 2005:
Semptember 2005:
The Pizza Box
Derby Part 1
Page 1
Page 2
August 2005:
My Pizza? Part 4
June 2005:
My Pizza? Part 3